| 1. | Curve b could represent the frequency of the number of days required to sell a real-estate brokerage business . 曲线B可用以描述房屋经纪商出售住宅所需天数的频率分布。 |
| 2. | Number of days with tropical cyclone warning signal 热带气旋警告信号悬挂日数 |
| 3. | Select the number of days to view your shipping history 选取要检视托运记录的天数。 |
| 4. | What is the mean number of days off schedule 延期交货天数的平均值是多少? |
| 5. | Returns the number of days in the specified month and year 返回指定年和月中的天数。 |
| 6. | Returns the number of days in the specified year and era 返回指定纪元年份中的天数。 |